Sunday, February 19, 2012

Everything falls apart......

Well, it's apparently been a while since I've posted an update.  The only excuse that I have is sick family, sick mommy, wedding planning, and life in general.  But, I'm finally feeling a lot better.  I actually did accomplish a few things in the past 15 days......and I even took pictures to post.  I just never got around to the posting part.  So, whaddya say we give this another shot?? 

Saturday, February 4, 2012

celebrated a life........

Today, for just a short period of time, I got to be a kid again.  And what made it even better was that I got to play with my son.  We went to my youngest nephew's birthday party and got to have fun in bouncy houses!  The only dark spot on the event was the fact that my little prince got sick in the car literally 2 minutes before we showed up at the party.  Ick.....

But he didn't let that stop him.  After recovering from his nausea and cuddling with mommy for a bit, he was ready to play.  And play we did.  We also had ice cream, sang Happy Birthday, and got to spend time with family.  And everyone knows that's good for the soul. 

But I'd have to say that the best part of today was getting to be Mommy to my precious little man ALL DAY LONG!  I love weekends.....

**** I'll have to update this post with a picture.  I'm quite sure that there are some interesting ones on my mom's camera.  LOL  ****

Friday, February 3, 2012

conquered my arch nemesis.....

Without a doubt, the single HARDEST part of my entire house for me keep clean is the top of my dresser (followed closely by the countertop in my bathroom where "my stuff" is kept strewn about).  I clean this area of my room about once a week....and within one day (sometimes a couple of hours) it's once again littered with clothes, books, coupon inserts, receipts, and all other kinds of miscellaneous items.  It is my shameful secret.......

But it looks so nice when it's cleaned off!  So, I made a deal with myself.  I was only going to be allowed to use this as my "simplicity" item for the day if I can somehow manage to keep it clean.  No more coming home and plopping everything in my arms down on this surface.  It's time to start remembering that everything in my home DOES have it's own place.  And if it doesn't have it's own place already and one can't be created in an orderly fashion, then it doesn't belong in my home!!!  :)   Because doesn't this just look so much nicer??

PS:  The before shot would have been ridiculously embarassing.....even more so than closet.  : (

Thursday, February 2, 2012

cleaned out an overflowing closet.....

One of the things that has been on my never-ending "to-do" list since the beginning of 2012 is "clean out closet".  I'm sure that it wasn't as bad as some people's closets are....but it was bad enough to stress me out every morning when I would go looking for something to wear to work.  So, tonight I took an hour and cleaned out the ill-fitting clothes, the out-of-style clothes, and the Christmas gifts that got put back into the closet for future gifting (since I felt like my kids were receiving enough as it was!).  It felt really good to get that done.  And that's the whole point, right??  Making my life step and one day at a time!  : )

Wednesday, February 1, 2012

The reason.....

For several months now, I've been a follower of a couple of &  I've always loved how organized and creative the writer, Ruth, is.  And I was completely inspired when Ruth started a new blog at the beginning of this year called Project Simplify 365.  The intention is simple....literally.  Do one thing each and every day that will simplify your life and the lives of your family.  I was so inspired, in fact, that I decided to give it a shot.  Now, I didn't get started until February......but I think it'll be okay.  It's the thought that counts, right??  So, that's the reason I started this blog.  As a tracker for me and a way to keep myself accountable.  If you're interested in reading Ruth's blog (and I highly recommend it!!) you can find it at

Happy Reading! 

PS:   I am, in NO way, taking credit for the idea of this blog and will openly admit to "borrowing" certain ideas from Ruth because in my mind they were just plain creative genius!  ; )